Wang Wei and SF Express - Zhou Xibing - 9781912555475 - LID Publishing

Wang Wei and SF Express - Zhou Xibing - 9781912555475 - LID Publishing

ISBN: 9781912555475
Publisher: LID Publishing
Stock Availability: Out of Stock - Kindly contact Customer Service for more info
Format: Paperback
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Product Description

Chinas economic rise and influence has been one of the most significant developments in the global economy of recent times. A driving force behind this expansion has been the private entrepreneurs and companies of China, some of which have literally redefined the economic and business landscape, both inside and outside of China.

With a $15,000 loan from his father, the former high school dropout and factory worker Wang Wei started up his courier delivery service, SF Express, in 1993. This book is a classic rags-to-riches story of a young entrepreneur who grew SF Express into a logistics empire with revenues of $7 billion and 400,000 employees by 2015. The phenomenal rise of Wang and his company was further propelled by a $30 billion public listing in Shanghai in 2018. By any standards, this is one of the most remarkable entrepreneurial stories of recent times.

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