Clearance Sale - Understanding Nutrition, International Edition 16th Edition - Eleanor Whitney - 9798214033488 - Cengage

Clearance Sale - Understanding Nutrition, International Edition 16th Edition - Eleanor Whitney - 9798214033488 - Cengage

ISBN: 9798214033488
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Stock Availability: Out of Stock - Kindly contact Customer Service for more info
Format: Paperback
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Product Description

The updated 16th Global Edition of Whitney/Rolfe's bestselling Understanding Nutrition presents the core information of an introductory nutrition course for majors, with active learning that prepares students for their future careers. An overarching goal of the text is to help readers learn to distinguish valid nutrition information from misinformation. In addition to providing accurate information, the text encourages readers to understand the connections between concepts, evaluate the pros and cons of an argument, detect inconsistencies and errors, solve problems, and identify the relevance of information.

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